The new animated Star Wars show - Star Wars Rebels - recently premiered and will continue on October 13th.
Star Wars Rebels, set five years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, tells the story of the Rebellion’s beginnings while the Empire spreads tyranny through the galaxy.Disney XD (presented by sky) held a Star Wars Rebels Cinema Tour, bringing with them games, shows, and characters and showing the pilot episode in eight cinemas across Germany plus one in Vienna, Austria.
Fans were invited to book up to four tickets for their preferred city for free on a first come first served basis.
I forgot that the screening would be German or I might not have gotten my dad and myself tickets. I'm not a big fan of dubs anyway and Star Wars Episode II is on my list of main offenders. I'm quite certain the people who translated the dialogue never ever watched a single Star Wars movie in their entire lives. Fortunately I must say that whoever's in charge of translations this time did a much better job, and the only "problem" I had was one word sounding too German German for my Austrian ears.
The bounty:
Each bag held a Star Wars Rebels info sheet, a double sided Rebels poster, Rebels character post cards, a Rebels sticker, a random Mickey Mouse magazine, and a LEGO Han Solo mini fig magnet. A pretty good haul I'd say.
The verdict - the tour:
Watching something Star Wars related at the cinema for free, with Stormtroopers and Jedi running around, games and toys, surprise goodie bags for kids going in, different goodie bags for everyone coming out, what's not to like?
The only minor complaint I have is one missing word.
If you write "the first 50 little guests will receive a surprise" I'll probably be a little bit jealous but otherwise okay. It's a kids show after all.
If you write "the first 50 guests will receive a surprise" and I see there's still goodie bags left when I'm nearing the check-in I'll think "ooh, yay, I wasn't as far back in the queue as I thought", happily anticipate my getting one, be disappointed, and complain the rest of the day to anyone who'll listen that growing up sucks.
The verdict - the show:
I wasn't really looking forward much to Rebels until recently, probably because I never really got into the previous show. But watching a preview a few weeks back I thought it looked like a good mix of Disney adventure and classic Star Wars charm, which apparently is right up my alley.
Having watched a full episode now I'd say I was right and I'll definitely keep watching.
So far it reminds me of Firefly a bit, which in turn I quite liked because it felt somewhat like "The Young Han Solo Adventures".
Design-wise I'm happy with Rebels too, only some hair/fur choices seemed a little odd to me.
There were some nice non in-your-face nods and tributes like Seb, who is based on an early design of Chewbacca by Ralph McQuarrie, trying to pass as a hairless Wookiee.
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